
The company has a strong technical team of production,

our production staff from a professional education, training

of fitter fitter and assembly electrician and a professional physical and chemical testers

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BOYAO?BIOMEDICAL?INSTRUMENTS?CO.,LTD. now has 1,000 square meters of assembly and testing workshop, professional assembly and commissioning of 20 people, on-site quality inspection staff of six people. The company has a strong technical team of production, our production staff from a professional education, training of fitter fitter and assembly electrician and a professional physical and chemical testers.

Interpretation of Citizens' Blood Donation Management

       Jinzhou Municipal People's Government portal has rele...

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Platinum Medical attend the Shanghai Medical Symposium

       Platinum Medical participated in the Shanghai Medical Sym...

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突泉县| 邢台县| 手游| 巴塘县| 石嘴山市| 蒙山县| 台前县| 信宜市| 合水县| 淳安县| 新干县| 壤塘县| 噶尔县| 泗洪县| 论坛| 合作市| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 丰顺县| 万全县| 柳江县| 漳州市| 许昌市| 福安市| 文登市| 丹阳市| 鱼台县| 西华县| 昭平县| 灵寿县| 天津市| 胶南市| 潞城市| 突泉县| 平乐县| 沁阳市| 平陆县| 任丘市| 贵南县| 南和县| 聊城市| 慈利县|